
Ch. 16: Integrated Marketing Communications

When it comes to Audi, everything is about personal selling. Yes they create advertisements on TV, on billboards, on almost everything they can. But once you get past the advertisements, and you actually go into a dealership, everything becomes about you. They want to sell you a car, obviously, but they understand how big of an investment a $100,000 car is, so they take the time and the care to make sure you are buying exactly the right car to fit your needs. As I said in the post for Ch. 4, the ads they put out have no real purpose other than to amuse the viewer as well as inform them about some new aspect of their cars. For example, they have a commercial where a snow plow driver describes the new 4 wheel drive Audi as an elusive beast, as he has never had the chance to plow a path for an Audi, since the car can handle almost any terrain. Someone seeing this would be interested in the new Quattro system, but once he goes into the dealership, the sales rep will try to find out what else the consumer wants, and will help him find the perfect size and style car, while making sure he still gets his Quattro system. This is the norm with a lot of car companies. They advertise a new feature so you come in to a dealership to ask about it, and then the sales rep do all the rest. So all the "noise", that is the other billboards and radio ads and brochures they hand out, really doesn't serve any other purpose than to remind the consumer to go to a dealership, because once you are there, they almost make you want to buy a car.

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